IG Model Touts Sex Benefits of Tanning Privates But is She the First?
Instagram model Leticia Martins AKA Lunna Leblanc made national headlines last week saying that tanning her privates improves her libido. According to the NY Post, In a very nude and not safe for work Instagram post she wrote:
“Did you know that exposing your private parts to the sun can provide you with more energy, increase your libido, improve circadian rhythm (which regulates the entire functioning of the human body) and still help you get a good night’s sleep?”
The post got her tons of attention late last week, I read the article a few hours after we had finished up our Friday morning Ethan and Lou Show and something struck me immediately, this sounded really familiar. Where had I heard this before? Oh yeah, that's right, I heard it on my show, last year from Instagram influencer @metaphysicalmeagan.
Meagan had done some posts on Instagram about the health benefits of tanning your butt-hole in November 2018, we had her on our show in January of 2019 and she told us things eerily similar to what Lunna is now saying. Let me rephrase, I suspected Lunna stole this point of view from Meagan, word for word.
I contacted Meagan Friday afternoon and she confirmed my suspicion. She wrote back to me saying:
"She literally stole the same words from my perineum sunning posts from last year, should have tagged me."
Meagan has agreed to come back on the Ethan and Lou Show this week and we are going to get to the bottom of this. I wonder if you can win a Pulitzer for butt-hole/vagina journalism?
This is Meagan