Happy Birthday Robin Zander: My Top Ten Cheap Trick Songs
Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright and Robin Zander? You're alright too.
In celebration of one of the most underrated singers in rock history these are my ten favorite Cheap Trick songs:
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"Can't Stop Falling Into Love" (1990)
Robin Zander and Cheap Trick followed up their hugely successful 'Lap Of Luxury' album from 1988 with 1990's 'Busted'. Although they didn't match the commercial success of 'Luxury', the band did manage to produce one of my favorite Cheap Trick songs.
I still remember the day I bought the cassette single of "Can't Stop Falling Into Love" at Strawberry Records in Southington. It didn't leave my car for months.
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"Stop This Game" (1980)
Zander's opening vocals on this track is as good as it gets. Talk about singing from deep down. Every rock singer should use this song as their template.
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"She's Tight" (1982)
The song that defines Robin Zander's front man persona. He's the guy every girl wants to be with and the guy every other guy wants to be.
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"Voices" (1979)
There are some great harmonies from Robin Zander and the boys on this song. One of the great Cheap Trick songs from their lighter and melodic side.
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"Tonight It's You" (1985)
Nobody delivers a melodic rock hook better than Robin Zander. Nobody.
This song is every bit as good as Cheap Trick's biggest hit but didn't chart as high as it just missed the Top 40.
Speaking of the band's biggest hit. Let's move on to song #5...
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"The Flame" (1988)
There are certain top 40 songs by rock bands that I get burned out on pretty quickly but my flame still burns brightly for "The Flame". It's a perfectly crafted rock ballad.
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"If You Want My Love" (1982)
Much like 1985's "Tonight It's You" this is a song that had major hit all over it but ended up just falling short of the top 40. Because of that I figured I'd put it ahead of "The Flame" on my list. Why not? It's every bit as good in my opinion.
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"Gonna Raise Hell" (1979)
Robin Zander's range is second to none. From the ballads to the hard rockers he nails it every time. This is what makes Cheap Trick a bonafide rock 'n' roll band and what makes Zander a bonafide rock 'n' roll singer.
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"Surrender" (1978)
Not only is this one of the greatest Cheap Trick songs of all time, it's one of the greatest rock songs of all time. Everyone is on their feet when Robin and the band play this one in concert.
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"Dream Police" (1979)
The Dream Police lives inside of my head and so does Cheap Trick. I don't mind it at all.
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