Guys Now Have Somewhere to Go to Pay to Get Beat Up By Ladies
According to the NY Post, the "Submission Room" is a gym in London where men pay to wrestle women and lose. The female employees and their customers insist this is not about sexual fetishes, but a love of wrestling.
Do I believe the lady wrestlers when they say this is not a sexual activity for them? Yes, yes I do. I believe them wholeheartedly.
Do I believe the men who say this activity is not sexual for them? No, no I do not.
It's not up to me to believe it or not, and it's not up to me to judge, because it has nothing to do with me. It's not my thing. I'm not into wrestling or getting my ass kicked. Plus, if I want to get beat up by a pretty lady, all I need to do is go home and say something stupid. With one death glare my wife beats me into submission like you read about.
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