Good/Tough Week? Get a Shout Out Before The Friday Song
For decades, we've been celebrating the official end of the work week here at i95 by playing a montage of Fred Flintstone's 'Yabba Dabba DOO", Todd Rundgren's 'Bang on the Drum All Day', The Beat Farmer's 'Happy Boy', and finally, Jonathan Edward's 'Shanty', which we've dubbed the i95 Friday song, at 5PM. I say a couple of words, crack a virtual beer open, and send you off to whatever the weekend brings.
Well, we want to make the Friday song extra special for you again, by personalizing it. Remember back in the day here at i95, when they cracked the microphone on this 50,000 Watt flamethrower, and dedicated the Friday song to you, "John from New Milford?" Well, I'm bringing it all back.
Hey, Becky in Danbury, did you have a really good week? Maybe you just got engaged, or divorced? I want to tell the world personally that you miss your dog Smitty, and he's a good boy wherever he is.
Hell, it could be time for Freddy in Brewster to get the nerve up to ask Gina to marry him? I'd love to announce it to the world for you.
So, get those Friday song dedications/shout out's/messages to me. I'll make sure that your family and friends here in Connecticut and New York know what's up. Then we'll lay around the shanty, and get a good buzz on.
Fill out this brief form, hit me with your dedication and your message, keep it clean, or don't, but be warned that I'm FCC regulated.
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