New Milford Mayor + State Rep Address the Town’s Internet Issues
Large Dave wrote an article on Wednesday (9/21/22) called: "Hey New Milford, I Feel Your Internet Outage Pain."

The article was about recent issues New Milford residents have faced with their internet connections at home and at work. In the piece, Dave wrote; "New Milford has had it even worse, with some losing service for days, if not weeks."
Prior to the article being published, I had no idea New Milford was facing these problems and we wanted to get more answers so we called two heavy-hitters. We reached out to New Milford Mayor Pete Bass and State Rep from New Milford Billy "Mo" Buckbee for comment. Both of these busy men took time out of their schedule to speak to us on the I-95 Morning Show with Ethan, Lou and Large Dave. First, we talked with Pete Bass, and this is what the Mayor had to say about the tech problems:
"We have the two main carriers which is Charter, and I know they're doing some of their upgrades on their equipment. And, then Frontier has made a major investment here in New Milford where they are going fiber-optic for the whole town, and we are the largest land-mass town in the State. Big [GARBLED WORD] they've been putting in, but what brings that is some ridiculous high speeds.
But, in doing so, obviously they have to make some infrastructure adjustments, and that is causing some of the delays, and outages you see. Also, on top of that we do have, unfortunately, especially with the drought, and we had winds, trees knocked down, or they fall just because of the lack of the rain.
And, that has also caused some of the outages when the wires do go down. You know, we're hoping that if the infrastructure is winding down, these two projects that these companies are having, wind-down so, that they'll be way more resiliency. So that way our residents can get what they expect when they pay their bill, is good internet service."
Listen to his full answer on New Milford's internet service issues in town.
You can listen to our entire interview (9/22/22) with New Milford Mayor Pete Bass below.
On the same show, we invited New Milford State Rep Billy Buckbee on. We asked him about the internet issues, discussed his longtime relationship with I-95, his beard, retail weed in New Milford and meeting new faces in Hartford.
I think it's only fair to tell you that when we called both of these gentleman this morning, they had no prep for what we would ask, they never do. We didn't even have a plan to talk about the internet, Cherniske Bridge or any of the other issues that we tackled.
The entire purpose of bringing them on the show, was to play them the new Ethan, Lou and Large Dave Show introductions that we'd just finished producing. They handled it like champs because both men are always prepared to address their constituents.
You can't be a regular guest on this show if you're generally unprepared, timid or lacking intelligence. We take our guests through a gauntlet of ridiculous and unrelated questions, and that is mostly intentional. Great job fellas.
P.S. I love New Milford.
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