Dutchess County Travel Restriction Extended to 8AM This Morning
Well it's safe to say the Winter Storm Quinn did not let us down.
The Hudson Valley was on track to get anywhere from 6 to 18 inches yesterday and looking outside this morning, you could say that is pretty accurate.
Now that the worst is behind us here in the Hudson Valley, we still have to be cautious. Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro has extended the travel restriction until 8am this morning, Thursday March 8th.
In a press release he states that the Dutchess County Emergency Center has been getting many reports of down power lines and trees.
While there is a travel restriction, there are some exceptions. According to the press release "Travel on roadways in Dutchess County is restricted except for: medical and health facility personnel, law enforcement and public safety personnel, first responders, utility, maintenance and public works personnel, snow removal sanding, salting and clearing operations personnel, facility operations persons deemed necessary for plant operations by their employers and public and government personnel involved in the emergency operations."
Many schools are on a two or three hour delay this AM. If you have to take to the road for any reason, please be careful.
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