On January 19, 2025 former Danbury Mayor Dean Esposito announced that he would not challenge Roberto Alves and run for Mayor. He made the announcement in social media posts to Instagram and Facebook.

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His statement read:

"After much thought, discussion, and prayer, I have decided not to run for mayor in this upcoming election. I look forward to supporting candidates who share a commitment to preserving what makes Danbury the best city in Connecticut—a place where families thrive in peace, safety, and prosperity. Our residents deserve leadership that is responsible, transparent, and truly responsive to their needs. It has been the honor of my lifetime to have served as your Mayor. I want to thank all Danburians for their support. God bless you, your family, and our great city of Danbury." 

On Thursday (01/23/25) the I-95 Morning Show spoke to current Danbury Mayor Roberto Alves and we asked for his reaction to the news.

Lou: The big news came out, Dean Esposito announced that after some heavy contemplation, he will not run against you for Mayor of the City of Danbury, your thoughts? 

Alves: "I just want to wish Dean all the best in the world in whatever chapters and endeavors he takes on. He's been a public servant in our city for a longtime. Most of his adult life, if not all of his adult life he's been serving the City of Danbury in one capacity or another. So I just want to wish Dean Esposito all the best to him and his family." 

Lou: Is there something that you admire about him? 

Alves: "I think Dean has always been loyal to those around him. Again, what I admire about him is the years of public service. It's not easy to do this, nobody does this for the pay and Dean has committed his whole life to serving the City of Danbury. Like I said, we were political rivals but we can still see each other and joke around. Last time I, I believe the last time I saw him was the Mayor's Cup where I invited him to come play in our foursome. It was me, Dean [Esposito], Mark [Boughton] and Gene [Eriquez] and we had a great time, hung out, threw a couple beers back with Dean-o there and laughed at how bad I am at golf." 

Lou: With this vacancy, this void, who do you anticipate the Republicans will run against you? 

Alves: "Well I'm going to keep going there everyday to make sure it's not you Lou because then we would have some problems. Listen I can't focus on that, I have to focus on the job and the race we are running. We've been doing a great job for the City of Danbury, invested in public safety, fixing our roads, addressing challenges, very real challenges with the schools. They just came out with another crazy number of what they feel they need, and it's not that I don't think they need it. We just have to be fair to our taxpayers so we know we're not going to be able to get to what they are asking for. I'm just going to sit here and keep doing the work that we're doing and getting praised for, delivering for everyone who lives in Danbury, every single resident. I hope that they see that and bring us to victory in November." 

Lou: I love you to death but if you want me to believe that Taylor is not currently doing opposition research on three to four different people right now, we're going to have a problem. 

Alves: "Listen, I have a great team, Taylor [O'Brien] is incredible and she's a phenomenal Chief of Staff. I want to give a shoutout to Francesca [Capodilupo], Farley [Santos], everybody else as well. We have a great campaign team and they are going to start working. Francesca has left us, working on the office side but she will still be involved with the campaign. We know how to run a campaign Lou." 

CT Governor Ned Lamont Made a Surprise Visit to Danbury Yesterday

Hey look, it's the Governor of the great State of CT, walking our Danbury Streets. Yes, the Governor was in town yesterday to meet with Danbury residents and business owners. I was invited but not able to attend. I asked Former Danbury City Councilman and Former Mayoral candidate Roberto Alves if he'd share some photos and he agrees. Alves took it a step further and provided me with an outline of how the day went. I wanted to know why the Governor was there? Who was in attendance? Did the Gov seem accessible to our residents? Alves answered all those questions, his answers are below in quotations. 

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

Danbury Leadership Holds Secret Meeting on Main Street

The Mayor, the former Mayor, the Chief of Staff, the P.R. whiz, the head of the Chamber of Commerce and the co-hosts of the greatest show in radio history? What are they all doing in one place, at one time? What does this mean for Danbury? What does it mean for me?

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

Mayor Joe Cavo Wrapping Up Virtual Restaurant Month in Danbury

Danbury Mayor Joe Cavo and the wonderful folks from the City Hall office have been celebrating virtual restaurant month for all of March. Mayor Cavo, his staff and offices with connections to City Hall have been purchasing and eating food from some of Danbury's best eateries and there are many to choose from. Take a look at where our Mayor has been.

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

Esposito VS. Alves: A Complete Breakdown of Danbury’s 2021 Mayoral Race

Voting in a local election is one the best ways to express your beliefs and immediately impact the world around you but how can you really know a candidate from a few quotes in the local newspaper? You can't.

The paper cannot give you a sense for the candidates personality nor can they show you how the person performs under pressure. A radio interview is a much more intimate thing and you can learn who your local candidates are on a deeper level.

In the weeks leading up to the 2021 Danbury Mayoral Election, we believe we have provided Hat City voters with an unbiased view of their options. Each Friday we brought Roberto Alves and Dean Esposito on the Ethan and Lou Show and asked them both the same questions.

Because the person who goes last, has the ability/advantage of answering to the first candidate, we would alternate the order every few weeks. We did not endorse either candidate, we simply gave an even portrait of the two men, their politics and their vision for Danbury.

This is a look back at the I-95 Election coverage for you to review the day before Election. Below you will be given an excerpt from each article we did with the candidates and a link that can redirect you to the full article. Most of the articles include full interviews we conducted with your candidates, Vote tomorrow, it matters.

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

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