I compared the price, potency, and product selection at cannabis retailers here in Connecticut, New York, and our New England states, we have a lot of work to do.

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Cannabis is legal in 24 states, all of Connecticut's neighbors have jumped into the fray. Dispensaries are everywhere, over 40 have opened up here, while Massachusetts has over 400. Theory Wellness operates in New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine, but not here in CT. An 1/8th of an ounce of their highest testing flower in Great Barrington, Mass is 38.49% THC, and $45. In Connecticut, at Still River Wellness in Torrington, the flower potency is limited to 30% THC, and 1/8th is $55. Theory in Brattleboro, Vermont sells 29% THC flower for $45 an 1/8th, while Theory in Kittery, Maine's most potent flower is 26.78% THC and $35 for an 1/8th.

Concentrates are wildly different between states also, you cannot purchase wax, shatter, diamonds, or rosin in Connecticut, but vapes and moonrocks are ok. Vermont caps concentrates at 60% THC, but Massachusetts is the grand champion for concentrate potency, price, and selection, with 100% THC diamonds on the menu. Massachusetts has a 5 gram daily purchase limit, while Maine allows 10 grams of concentrate purchase per day.

The product selection in Connecticut is extremely limited, with only a handful of approved suppliers. while recreational prices have come down a bit here, there are no true bargains. Massachusetts dispensaries have dumped shelf-sitting product at heavily discounted prices, some as low as $20 for 3.5 grams of flower.

I want to experience only the best of anything at this point in my life, I don't care about the price if the quality is there. There are products and experiences that I will compromise, but cannabis is not one of them. I've attained Master status over my 40 years of use, and weak product is not an option.

7 of the Best Tantalizing Buffets In Connecticut 2024

Steakhouse Champion of Connecticut: The Greater Hartford Area

Some of the most enjoyable pleasures in my life are Prime ribeyes, filets, and NY strips. Steakhouses are my heaven, and if you want to check out some of the finest, most unique steakhouses in all of Connecticut, head up to the Greater Hartford area. The highest concentration of the best beef in the world is around our Capital City.

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