All the Thought You Put Into Your Father’s Day Gift Was a Waste of Time
Men who have children, Father's are not complicated so making Dad happy on Father's Day is not brain surgery. You need not search far and wide for a gift. Most men with kids make their family a priority and right after that they have one interest that's so obviously the thing that makes them happy.
Some men go fishing, others hunt, some play poker. A lot of guys golf, some like to gather with their buddies and many just like to relax when they have some rare, free time. Think of that one thing other than the family he's interested in and you have the key to unlock the greatest Father's Day.
This is not a time for you to wonder to yourself if he needs a new sports jacket or would like to go to brunch with the family. He may need the jacket, he also does not care or want it. He definitely doesn't want to go to brunch.
It's also important to remember that if Dad has a hobby that you are sure is his favorite, you don't need to buy him something related to the hobby. Instead, what he really wants is for all of you to get out of his way and let him go do the thing he loves.
Let me explain this as clearly as I can, if he:
- Fishes: Tell him today that he is free to fish ALL DAY Sunday. You are not going to invite people over, you are not going to ask him to go to see friends, none of it. FREE FISHING DAY.
- Golfs: Tell him today he can go golfing all day Sunday.
- Is lazy (like me): Tell him he can sit and watch baseball all day Sunday. You must all leave the house to make this awesome for him.
I think you get it now. I'm belaboring the point and yet MOST of you will still get it wrong because somehow Father's Day is the one of the only holiday's that becomes "all about everyone else."
P.S. Any strip mall therapist could tell you that I am projecting, no kidding. While I may be projecting, I'm also standing up for the other Dads. We must unite Dad nation! Let us put on our ill fitting, outdated clothing and take it to the streets to let them know we want one day, just one.
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