You Know You’re a New Mom When…
My purpose for writing this blog is two-fold -- to wish my awesome daughter-in-law, Kelly, and my wife, Mindy, an amazing Mother's Day. Also to show off my grandchildren, Bradley and Winter.
With some help from roamingrosie.com and pintrest.com, the following are some of my favorite things that REALLY let the world know you're a mom:
1. You automatically sniff your baby's butt for poops.
2. You replace the phrase 'nasal mucus' with the name, 'boogies.'
.3. You creep into your baby's room just to make sure they're still breathing.
4. You leave four pages of instructions for grams and gramps when they babysit for the first time, forgetting they've raised a couple of their own kids like YOU, and you survived.
5. You sneak food because your toddler thinks that if you're eating Rice Krispie Treats then he should be eating Rice Krispie Treats.
6. You think going to Target by yourself qualifies as a vacation.
7. You discover yourself singing, 'The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round' over and over again.
8. You find that anything gross like bodily fluids or poops in the tub don't even faze you.
9. You've been carrying around a bodega bag filled with snacks, diapers, wipes, extra clothes, toys, and a package of M&M's for yourself.
10. You find yourself staring at your babies while they're asleep and still can't believe you've made these precious little creatures, with help of course.
Happy Mother's Day to my wife Mindy and my favorite daughter-in-law, Kelly! I love you both!
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