Will the Debacle That Is CT’s Latest Stadium Be Ready by Opening Day?
I'll believe it when kids actually are catching balls in their mitts at Dunkin' Donuts Park in Hartford.
I just can't help blogging about the place that the Hartford Yard Goats would love to call their home. The debacle known as Dunkin' Donuts Park in Hartford Connecticut is like the car wreck you just can tear your eyes away from. You hate yourself for gawking, but sadly you still do.
So with that in mind, I find myself for the 16th time writing about the "build it and they will come" dream.
The Hartford Courant is reporting that the folks in charge of the construction of the stadium say that it is still on schedule to be ready for opening day, April 13th. Even the front office corporate types are set to move furniture into their offices this weekend. So I guess that means it's on track, because the staff sure don't want to do all that hard work for naught.
Hartford Yard Goats owner Josh Solomon told the Hartford Courant:
when people walk in that ballpark on April 13, all Hartford residents will be proud
Sorry mister, I can think of a bunch of things people will be, proud sure doesn't top that list.
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