When Do You Take the Tree Down?
This is always a big question, it's serious. You don't wanna be the family that breaks down last. I do not wanna be the first family or couple at a party. I do not wanna be the last family to leave a party and by the same standard I don't wanna be first or last at a party.
I do not need to keep up with the "Joneses" but I also don't want to fall behind them. Our tree is overdue to be broken down. We need to take her down as a family, the same way we put it up. That is never the case.
The kids would never in a million years take responsibility for this. They want it to be awesome, they want great decorations, great gifts and generally a great holiday but won't take the initiative to tear it down.
I helped put the tree up and decorate it, I put the lights up outside and already took them down, I bought the gifts, I did my dad duty. That tree will can be there in July for all I care. I am done with Christmas.
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