What Was Your Favorite Cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue?
According to Sports Illustrated, the magazine is moving their annual Swimsuit Issue release to May. The special edition of the magazine has always been released in February because of a gap in sports news. The article says there really is no gap in that news now so it makes more sense to get it out right before the start of summer.
The S.I. Swimsuit issue used to be a huge deal, not anymore. I had an S.I. subscription for years and I kept every issue I got. The anticipation of the swimsuit edition though was otherworldly. This had people talking and wondering, who would be on the cover? How can they top last year?
Who was your favorite model? What was your favorite cover? If my memory serves me correctly, auto mechanics were all in on Kathy Ireland. You could not walk into an auto service station or body shop in the 80's and NOT see Kathy Ireland in a bathing suit on the wall.
For my money, Rachel Hunter was the greatest swimsuit model in the history of swimsuit models. Rachel just has terrible taste in dudes. I mean she was married to Rod Stewart who looks like a rooster in a sports jacket. Later, she dated Wes Scantlin of "Puddle of Mudd" who looks like how Keith Richards feels everyday.
Why does no one care about the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition? For the same reason no one cares about Playboy. We are desensitized to nude men and women because of internet pornography. Before the internet was a thing you could not open a phone in your pocket and see endless photos of naked folks.
P.S. - Before you get all self righteous, this is not just me being a caveman. Let me remind you that people love seeing naked folks. In fact, Quartz says that in 2017 Pornhub had 125 million daily visits. They also estimate that Pornhub racked up $97 billion in revenue for that year in the U.S. In comparison, Netflix estimates are around $11 billion in revenue in 2017. With that kinda of traffic, I can't be responsible for all of it. Why don't you check yourself in the mirror?
Rod Stewart:
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