What Professionals Are Most Likely to Wear Turtlenecks?
Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake has passed away at the age of 84.

Miyake was famous for creating the black turtlenecks worn by Apple founder Steve Jobs. The passing was reported by Kyodo a Japanese news station who said Miyake died of liver cancer.
We brought up Miyake's passing on the Ethan and Lou Show recently (8/10/22) and tried to determine who is still wearing turtlenecks. I'm not saying they are not fashionable, I don't really know but I'm certain the turtleneck is a very specific look.
We decided that there are certain professionals who are most likely to wear turtlenecks. Below are some of the jobs that Large Dave and I came up with. Dave was filling in for Ethan on the Ethan and Lou Show.
Community Theater Director - This is worn in conjunction with those jackets with elbow patches.
Author - Look at the back-jacket of every book you've ever read and tell me I am wrong.
Science Professor - How can you teach Science if your neck is cold?
Librarian - The lady librarian is big on turtlenecks.
Vape Store Owner - 1 in 5 vape store owners rock a turtleneck, that is just science.
Karate Instructor - Google Jean-Claude Van Damme
Essential Oils Salesman - When you work out of your garage, you're bound to catch a chill.
Dance Instructor - The male dance instructor is a seductive beast but never more seductive than when they are rocking a T-neck.
Later we asked our listeners to share what professionals are most likely to wear turtlenecks, this is what they came up with.
- Johnny Love - I think a Proctologist would wear a turtleneck
- Colonel Forbin - Ski instructor
- Diddle Me Timbers - D Bags Wear turtle necks
- Rachel F In Patterson - The reporters on NPR must wear turtlenecks.
- J Nez - I can see a librarian wearing a turtle necks with the glasses on the tip of their nose.
- Debbie - Enjoying Large and Lou. I hate to say it but I’ve seen a lot of Cops in turtle necks.
- Big John - The hot chick on Scooby Doo wore a turtleneck.
- Satchel of Richards - I hear areola inspectors are big on turtlenecks.
Below is some of our discussion about the turtlenecks.
P.S. Issey Miyake was born in Hiroshima and survived the atomic bomb when he was seven years old.
P.S. #2 - To my essential oils fans, relax it was a joke. My wife has me using essential oils for everything, and the woman who sells them to us does very well (does not work out of her garage). Seriously, relax, we're all going to die soon.
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