We Delivered the ‘Missed Headlines’ in the Middle of Winter Storm Niko
We refuse to allow a little thing like a blizzard to stop our "Missed Headlines" segment.
Neither, rain, sleet, snow, hail -- you know the deal. So here, now, are the "Missed Headlines" you almost DID miss from the Ethan and Lou Miracle Network
Can you believe we did that in one take? I can. We are like the Osmonds. Ethan's papers got so wet at one point, he gave up trying to read the end of the article.
The real story is not the trip we took into the station this morning, the technical difficulties that kept us off the air, or doing our favorite feature outside in the snow. The real story comes when Ethan and I try and make our ten minute ride home in under two hours.
By all accounts, the snow was the least of everyone's problems on the road this morning. The big problem -- as usual -- is other drivers. If you have to be out on the roads today stay safe, my little piggies.
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