When I called to congratulate New Milford State Representative Billy Buckbee on his tireless hard work for the town of New Milford, he told me his head was in the clouds and for a good reason. Connecticut's House of Representatives had just passed two pieces of his legislation.  

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In case you haven't noticed, the leadership in New Milford is doing amazing work with Mayor Pete Bass leading the way and State Rep. Buckbee pushing for legislation that will benefit the residents of New Milford.

Buckbee explained that his bill "An Act Concerning Opioids" establishes a peer navigator program. He told me that with the pandemic hopefully coming into the home stretch, major addiction issues remain, and this new program "will get help to those who are in crisis."

He explained that in 2020, the state saw a 20% increase in overdose incidences, but New Milford's rate decreased 20% during that same time period. Buckbee explained that he and his team have been working diligently on getting this bill passed for the last three years.

Rep. Bill Buckbee
Rep. Bill Buckbee

CT's House of Representatives also took favorable action on Buckbee's legislation that protects clean energy, which helps one of New Milford's most iconic businesses, Kimberly-Clark.

Legislation to equalize comprehensive access to mental health treatment, behavioral and physical health care in response to the pandemic is being looked at favorably in both houses of CT's government. To examine this bill titled 'An Act Equalizing Comprehensive Access to Mental Behavioral, and Physical Health Care in Response to the Pandemic,' click this link, cthousegop.com.

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