Turkey Invasion at the Radio Station Got Me to Thinking – Who’s Watching Who?
These turkeys showed up on the radio station grounds this morning and I chased them to take a picture.
I thought to myself, "Look at these stupid idiots." It did not take me long, however, to wonder what the turkeys might think of me. Like, what if they were saying the same thing about me? "Look at this idiot." After all, I was the one chasing them to get the best picture I could to write a blog about them that does not improve the world in anyway.
Do you think they are wondering about why we are here? Why we are in the way? On their land? I'd like to think so. I'd like to think that for every person thinking, "Look at that moron." There is another person or ugly animal thinking the very same thing about the other guy.
At the very least, these turkeys have better priorities than I do. I'm not familiar with the everyday life of a turkey, but I have to imagine that it involves caring for and feeding their family. That's not so bad. What the hell are my priorities? All I care about at the moment is what snacks to have during the Yankees game tonight.
The next time I say, "Look at this idiot", there will be a mirror involved.
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