Justified won at Belmont Stakes on Saturday and became the 13th horse to complete the Triple Crown. It was an historic day for the horse and it's team. Fashion history was also made with some of the dopiest outfits you will ever see.

150th Belmont Stakes
Getty Images

This guy just wanted people to know that your hat can look just like a dessert made by the "Cake Boss."

The 148th Belmont Stakes
Getty Images

This is an actual hat that was on a ladies head. She very much wanted her hat to be seen from space.

The 148th Belmont Stakes
Getty Images

Classic race day look. You have the "frat guy" dressed like a prohibition era bar keep. I remember my first cigar.

The 148th Belmont Stakes
Getty Images

This is the hat you wear if you want to trick people into thinking they accidentally dropped acid.

Trainer Bob Baffert And Burger King At The 147th Belmont Stakes
Getty Images for Burger King

Race day would have felt incomplete without the King of burgers. I really need to go next year. I don't wanna miss my chance to dress like an escaped mental patient.

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