Utica News

Missing Hiker Found Dead in Icy Upstate New York Water
Missing Hiker Found Dead in Icy Upstate New York Water
Missing Hiker Found Dead in Icy Upstate New York Water
Hundreds of hikers go missing or get injured in New York State. Some are lucky to make it back home with the help of Forest Rangers. Some are not. A missing hiker from Sackets Harbor was one of the unlucky ones.
5 Most Common Trees to Fall During a Wind Storm
5 Most Common Trees to Fall During a Wind Storm
5 Most Common Trees to Fall During a Wind Storm
Insurance companies absolutely know the answer to the question: which trees are prone to falling during a wind storm. With wind gusts topping 60 mph in the next 48 hours, it's a good idea to make sure you've parked your vehicle away from trees, especially if it's one of the trees on our list.