Girl Uses Inheritance to Buy Toys for Needy KidsGirl Uses Inheritance to Buy Toys for Needy KidsHope in humanity lives on as 10-year-old Laney Matteson of Dartmouth, Mass., selflessly gives back for the holidays.GazelleGazelle
Saddest Pup Abandoned in Crate at the Curb Finds Happy EndingSaddest Pup Abandoned in Crate at the Curb Finds Happy EndingOn November 10th a woman posted two pictures of a dog that was locked in it's crate and abandoned in the street on a dead end road in Kalamazoo.Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Powerful Photo Captures Vet Tech Napping With Cancer-Stricken DogPowerful Photo Captures Vet Tech Napping With Cancer-Stricken DogTalk about bedside manner. A central New York vet tech goes above and beyond for a dog suffering from bone cancer.PollyPolly