Summer 2017, I Bid You Adieu
This summer has been beyond enjoyable. I've enjoyed two vacations I cannot afford, with one more this weekend. I've watched my baby girl grow each day, get bigger, smarter, and more inquisitive. I've spent time with my boys talking and playing. Thanks to the efforts of my wife, Erica, this has been a really great summer and one I will never forget.
All that said, I'm done.
After this weekend's trip, it will be over and I am ready for that. It's time for the kids to get back to school and for all of us to return to routine. I am the kind of guy who is way more relaxed when I'm in my regular routine.
I don't know many people who could sustain the pace Erica and I did with our family this summer. Fact is, I have four kids and inevitably, we always pick up a straggler or two. It's not unusual for us to have 5-7 kids in the house on a Wednesday afternoon in the summer. That is whacky balls right there.
I'm ready for work Mon-Fri, Football Sunday's and Fall TV. If I have to pack the van one more time, I'm going to burn my house down. Hey, Summer, it's been fun. Now go pound sand.