Sex Toy Company Files Lawsuit Against the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA)
Dame, a sex toy company owned by women has filed suit against the MTA.
If you commute into New York City via train on either the Harlem line or New Haven line, you've experienced the workings of the Metropolitan Transit Authority better known as the MTA.
The "female friendly" sex toy company, Dame is suing the MTA for rejecting its advertisements, alleging sexism and censorship according to CNN. Dame's founder, Alexandra Fine claims that the MTA had been enthusiastic about their advertising design presentations in September of 2018.
In December of 2018 Dame claims that the MTA rejected their ads because they were promoting a "sexually oriented business" and that they "entangle the MTA experience with the ad messaging." The MTA states that it has always been their policy that advertisements for sex toys or devices for any gender are not permitted. The following quote appears on the Dame website. Make sure you check out the Dame video below.
NYC's transit agency perpetuates a harmful double standard. Their message: There's plenty of space for erectile dysfunction drugs, but none for innovators making sex enjoyable for women so we're going going to court to #DerailSexism!