Reddit Discussion About Coronavirus in CT Morphs Into Debate About Waffle House/Deep South
I started a deep dive on people's ideas about Connecticut's readiness for the coronavirus and the discussion took an unexpected turn.
After people made a fair share of jokes about how the Coronavirus doesn't want to come to CT in fear it will be taxed, a dirt road was taken. Somewhere in the thread, a person from Atlanta chimed in to talk about the Coronavirus cases they have in Georgia, prompting another contributor to refer to Georgia as the deep south, and this is where we pick up:
"We have two cases as of today in Fulton county (where Atlanta is located.) That being said, I don’t think Atlanta is the Deep South lol."
"I mean I'm from New England. Anywhere there is a Waffle house is the deep South to me."
"According to Google maps, Milford CT once had a Waffle House. I know because I tried searching for one last year lol."
This chunk of conversation has me in an inquisitive mood and wondering, does/did CT ever have a Waffle House and where does the "deep south" begin? I have no idea about the Waffle House but soon after this article is published I'll be inundated with answers and I look forward to it.
The "deep south" question is a bit more complicated. My brother in law Bryan is originally from a Washington D.C. suburb, and I used to tell him he lived in the deep south all the time because it made him angry. That was fun and I miss doing that. I don't actually believe that -- I don't think that's the south either.
Here's how I see it: When you are two hours south of Washington D.C., you live in the south and anything from the middle of North Carolina down is the deep south. That's going to piss people off and I don't care. I mean, how far south do we actually have to go before it's deep, so deep?
Now you go. It's your turn to determine which states are "deep south" and share delicious Connecticut Waffle House news with me.

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