Shame on you sir, shame.

We've all heard the unbelievably tragic stories of children, and also animals, horribly dying because they were left in a hot car. No matter how it happened, it's heart wrenching, and we all pray that it never happens again.

Since two dogs apparently lost their lives, on two separate occasions, in similar fashion at the hands of this Connecticut man, I can see where PETA is coming from.

In a story from PETA is calling for an animal ownership ban for a Middletown man whose dog died in a hot car this month. According to the article, police have charged 79 year - old David Beveridge with cruelty to animals after his dog died in the sweltering car. Beverodge was supposed to drop the three year old dog off, but forgot to.

Add to that, it appears that the animal control officer investigating found out that Beveridge had left a four year old dog in a hot car back in 2014, and it also died.

To me, this begs the question, is something really amiss with this gentlemen's mind at this point in time? That said, there is no excuse for what happened to both of these animals.

PETA Senior Vice President of Cruelty Investigations Daphna Nachminovitch told

It's essential that animal guardians never leave dogs alone in a parked car, where temperatures can soar and they can die of heatstroke within minutes. If David Beveridge is convicted, PETA is calling on authorities to ensure that he doesn't have another chance to close the car door on a dog and walk away

Mr. Beveridge is due to be arraigned in Aug.

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