Permanent Tribute For 9/11 Workers Announced
We will never forget.
There are certain moments in time that become etched into history. Many are uplifting, but sadly the horrific, tragic and shocking ones are more often than not the ones that take your breathe away and put a lump in your throat.
Working in radio frequently gives you a front row seat to incidents as they unfold. Three will always stick out in my mind.
January 28, 1986, the moment when we watched the shuttle orbiter Challenger break up 73 seconds after liftoff killing all seven astronauts.
December 14, 2012, as calls started to come into the radio station indicating the true tragedy of what unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary School claiming the lives of 26 innocents.
September 11, 2001, hearing the reports being aired about a plane that had crashed into the World Trade Center, and then being in the i95 studio witnessing as terror took hold of American soil and watching as thousands of lives were lost.
By now, many of you have visited and paid your respects at the 9 / 11 Memorial & Museum
In a story from plans are in the works for a permanent tribute to 9-11 responders and their rescue and recovery efforts on that tragic day and beyond at Ground Zero. A commemorative space and walkway will go up on the southwest corner of the plaza at the National September 11th Memorial and Museum.
As our Country, and those all around the world looked on in horror, these brave individuals worked tirelessly to save people. And then, for months on end, worked to recover remains and give families some closure.
Aside from the images of that day, as time has gone on, we've come to know how toxic the aftermath actually was. One of the many notables involved in the new dedication is Jon Stewart, who has worked diligently on the issue of health care for first responders.
Stewart was quoted in
Without regard for their own health and well being and with no demand for recognition, these men and women played a critical role in helping us all in New York and across the country get back on our feet. Today thousands are living with serious illnesses and dying at an alarming rate. I’m thrilled this is finally happening, that this dedication will give them the recognition they’re due
In my mind, the selflessness of people, and the love for our fellow man, is still what makes the United States the greatest country on Earth.