New Fairfield Parents Express Outrage After Teacher Restrains Student With Zip-Ties
As a parent of a child in any of the school districts in our listening area, how would you react if your kid was zip-tied to a desk by a teacher?
Apparently, earlier in the school year, a seventh-grade New Fairfield math teacher zip-tied one of her students to a desk in a full classroom.
According to the NewsTimes, the un-named math instructor has resigned her teaching position and now a mammoth Facebook war has broken out! The controversy is between parents who are livid that a trained teaching professional would do such an inappropriate thing, and parents who defend this teacher for various reasons.
New Fairfield School Superintendent, Dr. Alicia Roy told the NewsTimes:
The teacher exercised poor judgement in an attempt to be humorous. A reprimand was written and the teacher regrets her mistake and students were never at risk.
Many parents were angry that they weren't notified of the zip-tie incident when it happened. After the teacher resigned, the discussion between New Fairfield parents blew up on Facebook. Here are some quick excerpts that set the tone for the lengthy FB discussion:
Whether it was done by humor or discipline, no one, not a teacher, nor parent, nor stranger should be zip-tying a child to anything, regardless of the child's behavior. Bottom line, not funny and inappropriate.
Zip ties are alternative handcuffs. There are proper ways to deal with misbehaving kids in class, and this wasn't the way to do it!
The parents who defended the teacher claimed she was an excellent instructor who might have used poor judgement. Some parents argued that if other parents taught their children to respect their teachers and took part in the education process by working with their child's teachers, there would have been no need to zip-tie the kid to the desk in the first place.
What do you think about this situation?
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