Legendary Radio Personality/Executive Joe Limardi Hits a Sad Low
The guy has been in broadcasting and media for years. He gave me my first full time job in radio. He is known all around the U.S. of A. as one of media's great and most creative minds. Now he has been reduced to this? They stuck him at a file cabinet outside the engineers office here at the radio station.
What did Limardi do to piss off who?
That is what I want to know. We started at the bottom, now we're here? The man is seated at a file cabinet just steps away from the worst people in radio, the sales staff. It's too much to look at.
Think of your favorite ball player as a kid. Then, imagine that you go see him at a baseball card show and he is passed out at a folding table, with an empty bottle of hooch on the floor. That's what this is like. This is either the tail-end of a downward spiral, or disrespect of the highest order.
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