I don't like to brag but let's get real, there is no way your office is cooler than mine. Count em', four screens and there is a fifth turned around behind the laptop. Would you look at all those pretty lights and buttons, just look at them. Fun fact, I don't know what half of them do.

Lou's phone
Lou's phone

Sure I got a little creative with processing this photo and jacked up the contrast but I could not resist with the glow of that red button. Isn't it funny that in the movies, you should never push the red button and yet we have twenty of them we get to push everyday?

Lou's phone
Lou's phone

The days of using CD's on a daily basis are over but we do use them. Even if we never used them, I'd vote against getting rid of them.

Lou's phone
Lou's phone

That's art right there. Kurt Cobain in a "Corporate Magazines Still Suck T-Shirt" on the cover of the corporate rag known as Rolling Stone Magazine.

Lou's phone
Lou's phone

Do you have a wall that looks like it came out of a Cold War Era nuclear facility? I didn't think so.

Lou's phone
Lou's phone

The best thing about my office? That guy is in it with me everyday. Ladies and Gentleman I give you Ethan Carey. AKA "Cooker" AKA "Big Zen" AKA "Bagel Samurai."

I dare you to top that! If the competition gets tight, I'll broaden the definition of "my office" to the whole damn building and show you how cool that is. 





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