I Felt Old When….
I'm 39 years of age. Yes, I said it that way. 39 is not young I know but it's certainly not old. It is apparently old enough to have references that will confuse a much younger person. Last week I was talking to a younger female and she had mouth spray. I said, "What's that? Binaca? She said, "What's Binaca?"
It's OK for her to not know, I mean I have not seen Binaca in a long time and this woman is like 26 years old. It's happening more and more especially with movie and TV references. My idea of new is anything that happened after the year 2000.
What was your "I Felt Old When" moment? Did you bring up a memory from your high school shorthand class and get a fuzzy look? Yes, that happened to me too. Was it Z Cavaricci pants that became impossible to describe that made you feel older than dirt and water? Talk to me...GO!
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