How Do People Rate Connecticut’s Public Bathrooms 1-10?
On the Friday (4/26/24) edition of the I-95 Morning Show, Dave and I were discussing some criminal activity in Danbury's Rogers Park. I was about to hop on my high-horse and deliver a speech of epic douche-face proportions when Dave stopped me and turned the conversation in a much more hilarious direction.

WARNING: Bathroom talk from this point on. I have to give fair warning because there are some serious babies out in these streets pretending like --- doesn't happen.
He asked me a question about the port-a-potty in Rogers Park, by the softball field. Dave and I have discussed this before and noted this location as an absolute horror show. When you step through that door, you're transported to another dimension loaded with terrifying sights and a rich smellscape that could paralyze a bear.
Whenever you go into that port-a-john, that is officially the worst day you have had in a long time and it remains your worst day until someone you love dies. Anyway, our chat got us wondering if there were other Connecticut bathrooms that are on par, or worse than Rogers Park.
The texts started to come in and these are some of the answers we got:
Tom O (Waterbury): "Ever see a Gathering of the Juggalos Porta potty?"
Helena Handbasket (Carmel): "The Pennysaver Amphitheater in Long Island had the worst ladies room. It flooded during the concert. My husband's portable toilet in the parking lot was cleaner."
Poppy Peed on Purpose (Mahopac): "Not a horrible bathroom, just an odd bathroom experience. At the wind rose show in irving plaza, I went to take a bathroom and as I was doing so, the dude dropping (REDACTED) started screaming, guessing one hell of a power (REDACTED), next thing I know, the seat comes flying from under the stall broken in a few pieces and the dude walks straight out doesn't even wash his hands just back to the show. Animals!"
While these comments 100% made my day, they didn't answer my questions so I started searching for more answers and came across a study by Lavatory Lab. They surveyed 3,000 people across the country to see how folks in each state rate their public bathrooms. The scores were one to ten, 10 being the best and 1 being the worst.
- Connecticut residents gave our bathrooms a score of 6.4 out of 10
- New York rated itself a 4.7 out of 10.
- New Jersey scored a 5 out of 10.
- Massachusetts was 5.6 out of 10
How Would You Rate CT Bathrooms?
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