Homeowners Shocked By Lack of Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween
How many cute little-costumed kids rang your doorbell on Halloween night?
Looking over Facebook posts on the day after Halloween, I was shocked to read that a significant amount of homeowners had very few, or even no trick or treaters. A friend of mine, who lives in a condo complex, had absolutely no one ring her doorbell and I think I know the reason why. Here's my take on this shocking revelation.
The kids, both the little ones and the teens, go trick or treating where the candy is concentrated in a one-block area. Case in point, "Trunk or Treat", which takes place all over the country. Trunk or Treat in New Milford was a rousing success, with hundreds of kids in costumes and gobs of candy.
Kids want to be entertained. They will go trick or treating if there's a legendary haunted house on their block. Friends of mine in New Fairfield go way over the top for Halloween by turning their house into a pimped out haunted house, both inside and out, complete with blood and gore and screaming decorations. 60 kids dared to ring the doorbell.
Here's who greeted you as you walked through the door:
Next Halloween, you'll need to up your game. Take your kids to either a Trunk or Treat or a neighbor's haunted house, if you dare:
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