Have You Heard of Connecticut’s ‘Coolest Hidden Wonder’?
Talking about hidden wonders in the state you live in is always interesting to me. What do people out there know that I don't? Honestly, a lot but that's besides the point. I love learning new things about Connecticut as well as the boarding states and finding out those little hidden things that just not everyone may know about.
Stacker took data from Atlas Obscura to come up with hidden travel gems throughout each state. When I came across Connecticut's, I was intrigued. Connecticut's coolest hidden wonder, according to these sites, is Gungywamp in Groton, Connecticut. Atlas Obscura describes it as "the kind of mixed up place that drives archeologists crazy."
Have you heard of Gungywamp? The site is said to be filled with multiple different conspairacy theories from the site being a pre-Columbian settlement, to alien and vortex theories, to tribal theories. The place has a lot of history attached to it and has gotten many people thinking on what could've happened there and when one historical period ended and another started.
According to Atlas Obscura, there are multiple stone chambers which get people excited to go there. One of the stone chambers is set up to line up with the equinoxes so that lite can shine through a small window.

The site is located on both state and private property, but you are not allowed to go there on your own. Good news though, you can still go and see it if you're interested. The Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center offers monthly hikes on the property as well as private walks available by appointment. You can make an appointment here.
There seems to be a lot of possible history behind this site that I had no idea about. Very interesting stuff when you start looking into it. Let me know if you end up hiking through it. I would love to know about it.
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