Lou: ‘How About We All Agree to NOT Exchange Gifts?’
Thanksgiving Christmas and New Year's were sure a good time. It's a great couple of months where we work less, give gifts and eat our favorite foods. If you are fortunate enough you have parties, expensive meals, you buy last minute gifts, stocking stuffers and generally indulge.
When the New Year hit, it came with a realization I encounter every New Year and should not be surprised by, depleted resources. You see, the way by bank account works, I got a checking and a savings.
Kevin Hart was right, you just can't play above your head and I did, again. So it's time to tighten up and get things back on track. That way I will be in a position to make all the same mistakes at the end of the year again.
How about we all agree to NOT exchange gifts? We can still get together and do the food/drink, gather with family thing. Whatever money we save on NOT giving gifts we roll into ya know, a bank account. We could use that account to buy things we ACTUALLY want and need.
How many socks do we need? How many sweaters that don't fit quite right can we put in our closet? Those sweaters go in and never come out. Whitney Houston once said: "Crack is whack." She was referring to crack cocaine and she was dead on. "I say gift giving is whack." Like Whitney Houston I am right. We are practically the same person.
Let's make 2019 the year we end the cycle of wasteful spending. Gotta run, if you need me I'll be on the street dancing for nickels.