Sinkhole Under Railroad Closes Greenwood Avenue in Bethel Through The Weekend
You may have seen the terrifying images out of Mexico last week, as a massive sinkhole over 180 feet across suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and threatened to completely take a whole house down with it. Something on a much smaller scale has happened in Bethel, but still disruptive nonetheless.
An extremely busy street is estimated to be closed through the weekend for emergency repairs, as a big sinkhole is threatening not only vehicle traffic, but also brings the Metro North Train service into town.
The Town of Bethel - CT has just announced that Greenwood Avenue will be shut down to traffic at the downtown railroad crossing through this upcoming weekend for emergency track and grade crossing repairs. One of those dreaded sinkholes was discovered directly under the railroad track, on the Eastbound lane of the grade crossing. According to the report, around 90 feet of railroad track, ties, and grade crossing platforms will need to be removed and replaced.
The project is going to be overseen by Engineers from Metro North, who hope to have the project finished by Monday, June 14, 2021. Metro North will be providing bus service to the Redding train station while the repairs are being made. If you're driving through the area, be aware that the Bethel Police have set up a detour route along South Street while the repairs are being made.
I just saw a post from Molten Java, which is located at 213 Greenwood Ave, right near the closure, and the other businesses in the area are taking a cue from Kevin Smith's Clerks, and hanging a sign out front saying "I assure you, we're open".
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