Greater Danbury’s 13 Most Amusing Photos Captured by the Google Car
I spend a lot of years out on the roads of Greater Danbury and I've seen so gonzo behavior in that time.

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My biggest regret from these journeys is that I've not been able to capture these things on video or in photo form. I can never pull out the phone in time to capture these images. Thankfully, we all have access to the data collection of the Google car.
Greater Danbury's 13 Most Amusing Photos Captured by the Google Car
Google Instant Street View is easily my favorite free application. You can take a digital cruise through the streets of Milan Italy, a drive down the PCH in California or tool around your local area without leaving your office chair. But the best use of Instant Street View is to catch unbeknownst moments. If you look long enough, hard enough, you will find some really funny things. I've spent years combing through the Greater-Danbury area Google footage and these are some of my favorite snaps.
Dude sleeping on concrete slab is so Danbury. That is the most Rogers Park thing I've ever seen. Now we just need to get a photo of 15 teenagers doing wheelies on illegal motorcycles and you'll have the full scope of what Roger's Park really is. No seriously, it's one of America's greatest parks if you love loud noises and blatant disregard for the rule of law.
A Curious Excursion in an Underground Brookfield Tunnel
Recently, I was having a discussion with a friend of mine, I told this person I'd accessed some caves and tunnels in my hometown of Brewster, NY which is just over the NY/CT State Line. He knows how much I love local history, and saw how excited I was about this journey. He told me there was an area of Brookfield, CT that I needed to see, one that most residents have never seen. He told me about a tunnel, one that was not far away from where we were sitting. I made note of the conversation and bookmarked the destination for a future trip.
High Definition View From Way Above Bethel
Bethel is a beautiful place to stroll around at street level or to view from above like "basspig" did with their drone, from high above the town.
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