Gone But Not Forgotten: Check Out 5 Abandoned Connecticut Amusement Parks
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Worlds of Fun was the big amusement park that I was always craving a trip to. It was located in Kansas City about two hours north of my hometown and is still in operation today, not abandoned, like the ones in Connecticut that we will check out today.
From the beginning of time, humans have sought ways to entertain themselves and amusement parks were a natural solution. The name itself implies that you will have a good time if you visit that particular patch of real estate and just like any other "business", they can come and go. Time marches on and certain "amusements" are no longer amusing to the public, or safe, and the park disappears or morphs into something else entirely.
We will take a look at 5 amusement parks that no longer exist in the State of Connecticut. They are, in no particular order, Savin Rock Amusement Park in West Haven, Suburban Park in Unionville, Wildwood Park in Dayville, East Lyme's Golden Spur Park, and Roton Point Park located in Rowayton. All, at one time a thriving, well-patronized part of Connecticut's amusement park industry.