30 Sonic Booms Come to the Only Place They Make Sense – Thanks, NASA!
According to clickorlando NASA will be conducting tests in Florida throughout August to test the affects of turbulence when aircraft speed past sound. The 30 plus sonic booms will be created over the Kennedy Space Center starting August 21st.
Perfect. If you are going to test this anywhere Florida makes the most sense. Florida, you say? This of course makes sense because you are all set up with the necessary infrastructure at the Kennedy Space Center.
Why else does it make sense? Because Floridians won't notice. They will be too preoccupied buying and selling meth. They will be too busy leading police on high speed chases (plural) down on the beach. Floridians cannot be bothered hearing sonic explosions in the sky. They'll be lubed up on rum punches at the local tiki hut watching a Jimmy Buffet tribute band.
Florida, you say? Oh I say, again and again. The place is pretty and all but seems to be a magnet for crazy. If you don't believe me just listen to the Ethan and Lou show at 6:45 weekday mornings for Missed Headlines.
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