First-Ever ‘Light the Lights Winter Festival’ Coming to Danbury Green
City Center Danbury has joined forces with the City of Danbury to create the first-ever "Light the Lights Winter Festival" on Saturday, December 3, 2022.

The entire event takes place on the Danbury green which will be the home of a 40-foot holiday tree.
"Light the Lights" is a free event, open to all, including Santa Clause. That's right, Jolly Ole' St. Nick will be in attendance. Santa will arrive on a fire truck and take pictures with the kids.
The green will be transformed into a "winter wonderland" with the edges of the green dotted with vendor tents from all over the local area. Danbury Mayor Dean Esposito will also be in attendance and will be responsible for the official lighting of the tree.
There will be food for sale, shopping available, lights as far as the eye can see, Santa, a fire truck parade, free cookies, free hot chocolate and live entertainment. How could you go wrong? There is no way I am missing this, I've waited for this kind of event to happen in Danbury, for years. We always go to the Ridgefield Winter event, and I've always said, this is cool but I wish it was in Danbury.
If you'd like to be a vendor at the "Light the Lights Winter Festival" contact City Center Danbury for more information through their website www.citycenterdanbury.com. This event is fun and friendly for all ages and runs from 1 pm to 7 pm.
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