Ethan and Lou Take on the ‘100 Beer Challenge’ at Hat City on Tap This Saturday
We both must be a special kind of boneheaded nitwit to think we can sample 100 beers this Saturday at Hat City on Tap!
Hat City on Tap takes over the Danbury Ice Arena from 5 till 8pm this Saturday the 25th and there will be 100 plus beers to wrap your mouth around! How can Lou and I possibly sample 100 beers without crawling out of the Ice Arena on our hands and knees? The definition of 'sample' is "the small part of anything," which means we'll be simply tasting 100 beers, not drinking down 100 full beers. Looking ahead, I'm thinking an Uber my be the way to go.
You may remember the incident when Neil Hedley was my morning show partner at the time back about 12 years ago, and we decided to illustrate how quickly alcohol affects the brain by actually drinking during the show on the Friday morning heading into the Memorial Day holiday weekend. We began at 6am with me drinking red wine and our two interns, Dana and Schlemdog, drinking beer. By 6:30, I was pretty drunk and asking our lesbian intern Dana if she wanted to make out!
My wife Mindy, who was listening to the show, called our hotline and told Neil, who wasn't drinking alcohol, to get me off the air before I actually attempted to make out with Dana. Note to self, eat some breakfast before attempting to drink 3 glasses of wine in a 30 minute time span. The rest of the show wasn't pretty. I was ushered out of the studio and into the bathroom, where I proceeded to fall asleep on the floor for about an hour. My son Matt loaded me up in the car and drove me home. Suffice it to say it was not one of my finest moments.
Can Lou and I actually sample 100 beers? Buy your tickets to Hat City on Tap this Saturday at the Danbury Ice Arena and find out.