A Picture Book of the Ethan and Lou Morning Show on the 14th Anniversary
He is Ethan Carey, I am Lou Milano and for almost 15 years we have been the Ethan and Lou Morning Show on I-95.
In that time, a lot has happened for both of us personally including, a marriage, the birth of three children, the birth of two grandchildren, moves, loss, and joy.
For all of the changes we've implemented to the radio show over the years, it is the one thing that has changed the least in our lives. For me, it has been one of the most stable, and important relationships I've ever had.
An Exploration of 14 Years of the Ethan and Lou Morning Show on I-95
It wasn't that emotional, I need to use "power words" to grab your attention. I mean it was a little sappy but we need to give you a reason to stay.
In case you thought I was full of s--- about invading Sherman in a submarine
I did it for New Milford, it was pointless and hilarious until I made a bunch of people late for work.
Ethan & Lou Before They Were A Duo
Ethan & Lou's 8 Most Famous Guests
JK's Texas Hot Weiners Has Nearly 100 Year History in Danbury
In 1970, Two Men Robbed a Danbury Bank + Blew Up the Police Station
10 of the Greatest Sidekicks of All Time
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