Hey, Did You Hear Hoda Is Replacing Matt Lauer?
I'm happy for Hoda. I don't have a problem with this lady, not one.
She's an accomplished woman who has been a TV pro for a long time. It's all great, it's all good. Someone was going to replace Lauer, and I'm glad it's her.
Now what the actual "F!?"
If you had your TV on last night, you might have thought we were getting a new Pope. We were not. One TV host was replacing another TV host. I learned enough about Hoda last night that I am convinced I could write a book about her.
Have I seen the Today show? Sure, I own a TV and live in this country. In my lifetime, though, I have probably seen a combined 50 minutes — 25 of which were Lauer raking Tom Cruise over the coals for saying therapy does not work. It's just a talking head show, that's it. If I hear one more word about Hoda, I'm going to burn the building to the ground.
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