CT Residents Positively Cannot Spell One Word in Particular
Spelling is difficult and some words are just harder than others to get right.
In honor of the Scripps National Spelling Bee, Google set out to find the words that each state has the toughest time spelling. They learned people in Kansas can't remember how to spell "Tennessee". Other nine-letter words we struggle with include "beautiful," "efficient," and "etiquette." 16 states struggle with five- and six-letter words. Delaware can't spell the word "those" . . . Utah can't spell "chose" . . . Tennessee can't spell "sugar" . . . Georgia can't spell "queen" . . . people in Pennsylvania can't spell "people."
What about CT? We apparently have a tough time spelling the word "absolutely." Our neighbors in New York can't seem to spell "quarter" and New Jersey cannot spell "senior."
I'll tell you what I've been attempting to spell for weeks is "Commissioner's." Our local minor league hockey team won the FPHL championship a few weeks ago and I've written may articles about the Hat Tricks victory. The champs trophy is called "The Commissioner's Cup" and until I had to write Commissioner's 150 times over the last month, I didn't know it was impossible for me to spell.
We're human so spelling mistakes happen but thankfully we have auto-correct. If that feature ever disappears somehow we can rely on the wisdom of the internet spelling and grammar police. There is no one group of humans I loathe more than people who stop what they're doing to correct grammar and spelling on Facebook.
These are the same folks who
- Tell on adults for smoking weed or cigarettes in a public place.
- Tell you their net worth.
- Google their own name 20 times a year.
- Gleefully whiff their own farts.
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