Connecticut Ranks As One of the Most Educated States in the U.S.
We get a lot of news and reports about how much Connecticut can suck. Here's a moment to pat ourselves on the back.
Connecticut is a beautiful and interesting state in many ways, but taxes, job losses and more have certainly put many of us in the doldrums in the past few years. So it's always nice to read some positive news.
A new report from WalletHub places Connecticut at number four on the list of most educated states in America. Matter of fact, four New England states are in the top 10, with Massachusetts ranking number one.
It comes as no surprise that a good education is the ticket to a better future, and that being a college graduate goes a long way to helping you achieve better career opportunities, higher salaries and more.
Survey after survey, and years worth of reports certainly point to school and furthering your education as the gateway to tapping into your potential.
In this report wallethub.com says they examined the key things that determine a well-educated population, which they qualify as:
educational attainment, school quality, and achievement gaps between genders and races.
You can see the rankings for all 50 states at wallethub.com as well as other criteria. Pat yourself on the back though Connecticut. We fall in the top five for the highest percentage of Graduate or Professional degree holders. Connecticut is also in the top five for the highest percentage of Bachelor's degree holders.
I will say though that there is a huge area in the rankings that our state must work harder to do better in. According to WalletHub's findings Connecticut ranks poorly in regards to the gender gap in educational attainment. Yes, in many ways, it is still a man's world.
Listen to Pam Brooks weekdays from 10-3PM on 95.1 FM, online at i95rock.com/listen-live/ or bydownloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.
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