CT Bond Commission Approves XL Center Funds
Making it better could only be a positive thing for Connecticut.
The Hartford Civic Center, now known as the XL Center, has gone through a lot of changes over the years. From the horrific incident that thankfully saw no injuries when the roof collapsed on Jan. 18, 1978 to the newest hope for change as covered in a story from courant.com, those of us that have had many great times in the arena, look forward to it's continued improvement.
The account in courant.com says that Connecticut's Bond Commission is giving its approval to 40-million-dollars for improvements to the XL Center in Hartford. The money will be used to make improvements to the aging arena with the hope of finding a private buyer for the property.
Michael W. Freimuth, executive director of the Capital Region Development Authority, told the Hartford Courant
We can wobble along for a while and keep the building stitched together but what is the long-term plan? We need to beg the question, the question we’ve been begging all along
While there was a 35-million-dollar renovation of the arena back in 2014, the now 42-year-old arena is absolutely outdated. With continued plans to keep revitalizing Connecticut's capital city, to me it just makes sense to not have the XL Center be an empty hulk.
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