Connecticut Gun Permit Numbers Rose Considerably in 2016
More proof that the gun debate is not going away.
Gun violence is everywhere. We are reminded of that on a daily basis. For me, it's hard to think about it without the constant memory of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Connecticut was launched into the national debate about guns and gun control on that fateful December day. A sad fact that is never going away.
I can't help but shake my head in wonder over two separate gun stories emerging in Connecticut.
According to norwichbulletin.com, Connecticut residents' love of guns is increasing. State officials say that the number of pistol permits issued in 2016 nearly doubled from the year before. Seems as if people are running out to get those permits before the price potentially goes way up.
Governor Malloy has been a long time champion of gun control, and a story from the Hartford Courant in early February, could point to why gun permit applications went way up from 2015 to 2016. Malloy is proposing a hefty hike in fees. The $70 fee you currently pay to the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection for a five-year permit renewal would go up to $300. If a resident is applying for a permit for the first time, the proposed increase would rise from $140 to $370.
On the total other end of the coin, a different story of guns emerged recently. In a report from nbcconnecticut.com once again police sponsored gun buy-back programs seem to make headway. Over the weekend, the Hartford police teamed up with Saint Francis Hospital and offered a Neighborhood Gun Buyback event that had 26 guns surrendered anonymously.
I know there has to be a reasonable way for us as a country to come to a conclusion about the gun control issue, but my head tells me we won't solve it any time soon.
Listen to Pam Brooks weekdays from 10-3PM on 95.1 FM, online at i95rock.com/listen-live/ or by downloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.
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