Connecticut Coming to Florida’s Rescue
Thank God that all of my family and friends made it through Hurricane Irma unscathed, for the most part — hopefully, yours did too. Still, devastation is all around, and Connecticut is helping out.
Fact of the matter — I love my second home in the Sunshine State. We've made life-long friends who live in and around the Venice area on the gulf coast, but we also have family and numerous friends living all around that state. Needless to say, my heart has been in my throat for everyone, not only in the path of Hurricane Irma, but all those recently devastated by Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
When horrible acts of nature occur, we all rely on the kindness of strangers. To that end, thank you all for lending a hand.
A press release from Governor Malloy's office at ct.gov says that 22 additional National Guardsmen are joining 14 others who previously deployed to Florida.
Officials are preparing to assist Floridians who may need a great deal of help during the immediate response and recovery from this storm. Connecticut stands ready to assist our friends and neighbors in the Sunshine State in the days, weeks and months to come. The men and women of the Connecticut National Guard are an invaluable resource during severe storms and we are grateful for service
More helping hands on the way, as well as a Facebook posting from Eversource Energy, showed that a team of around 100 Eversource Energy employees headed to Florida to help with the Hurricane Irma relief effort. With millions of Floridians without power, the crews will be a welcome addition.
As I write this, my area remains without power. Many trees are down, but thankfully, no flooding in my immediate area. I have no idea about my home, because frankly, all of the people that could check on it are dealing with their own issues, as full time residents, as it should be. So, we wait and pray. I'm happy that they are all safe, because that is, at the end of the day, all the matters.
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