"There's an e-cigarette epidemic as vaping has taken hold on college campuses across the country." That sentence comes from Robin Koval, the chief executive officer and president of the Truth Initiative whose mission is to create the first tobacco-free generation.

According to CT Post, a $20,000 grant from the state has just been awarded to Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport to help them become a tobacco-free campus.

Fairfield University and Naugatuck Valley Community College have previously been awarded the same grant thanks to the CVS Health Foundation and the American Cancer Society. The fact is smoking can be a killer and since 2011, cigarette smoking has dropped 50% among high school students but 2.8 million young adults from ages 18 to 24 are using e-cigarettes. The president of the CVS Health Foundation, Eileen Howard Boone told Hearst Media:

By helping more colleges and universities explore and execute on tobacco-free policies, we're able to postively influence the number of new college-age smokers.


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