Comin’ in Hot! I Can Check Zip-lining off the Bucket List
We went to Hunter Mountain for the weekend for my cousin Michael's bachelor party and things got wild all weekend. We wrapped it all up on Sunday with some ziplining.
I don't like wearing helmets that make my head look like a penis, but I made an exception for this activity.
If you have ever wondered what it's like to do 50 miles per hour through the woods I can tell you it's terrifying in the best way possible.
On one of the runs we did, the tour guide said, "Feel free to do spins." I said, "No, you do spins, I'm getting to the other side alive."
Beautiful day for a really scary activity. What they don't tell you is that on some of the runs, you don't make it all the way to the other side. When that happens, the tour guide has to come and get you. This happened to me once and I felt bad for the poor bastard, because I am not light -- he was hauling quite the load.
P.S. This is a bridge we crossed to get to the platform. Scarier than the actual zip line.
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