Cam Newton Dresses Like Your Grandma {PHOTOS}
This is Carolina Panthers Quarterback Cam Newton. When he is not in uniform he's off doing what he does best, dressing like a ninety year old woman. In the above photo he was walking the red carpet at N.Y.'s fashion week. I heard organizers cancelled next years New York Fashion week after seeing this outfit.
This is Cam not understanding how hats work.
I call this one Wizards of Waverly Place.
This ensemble is partially responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer.
Why didn't you get the big one?
Just Say No to camo pants. #camokills
When no one notices Russel Westbrook is rocking a silk cleavage shirt, your outfit is bananas.
AND For my final trick, I'll saw a woman in half.
Clothes don't make the man but they can make him look like he recently escaped from a "facility."
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