Beware – Common CT/NY Plants That Could Be Deadly To Your Pets
If your pets are anything like mine, they have been loving it up outside playing in the sunshine. We all know this time of year is rife for ticks in the woods, grass, trees, shrubs, and plants and we take any and all safety precautions we can to shield little Rover or Cleo from harm.

Not only are ticks lurking out there, but did you know that many common outdoor plants can be harmful or even deadly to our four-legged fur babies? Some of our pets are more adventurous than others and start chowing down on anything that strikes their fancy. I am fortunate that we have a fenced-in area for our little Gracie Jean where she cannot reach anything other than grass. I’m not suggesting that you all go out there in the 90-degree weather and start digging up your prized gardens, only you know your pets’ habits and what kind of mischief they may or may not get up to. Many pets have free reign of the property and a quick look around the garden to be sure of potentially dangerous plants can be life-saving to your pets.
The ASPCA breaks down a list of these harmful plants on their website (you can actually filter for toxicity to dog/cat/horse). I’ve gone ahead and pinpointed some of the most popular outdoor plants for you. Please see the pics for plant names and potential hazards. Again, the list below is not exhaustive, just a handful of outdoor plants commonly seen in our area.
When in doubt,
if you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible. * A consultation fee may apply.
Common Connecticut Plants That Could Be Toxic To Your Pets
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